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- /*
- IPPB.h
- C definitions of parameter block entries needed for IP calls
- Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1988-91
- All rights reserved
- */
- /* control codes */
- #define ipctlEchoICMP 17 /* send icmp echo */
- #define ipctlLAPStats 19 /* get lap stats */
- #define icmpEchoTimeoutErr -23035 /* ICMP echo timed-out */
- #define ParamBlockHeader \
- struct QElem *qLink; \
- short qType; \
- short ioTrap; \
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; \
- ProcPtr ioCompletion; \
- OSErr ioResult; \
- StringPtr ioNamePtr; \
- short ioVRefNum; \
- short ioCRefNum; \
- short csCode
- typedef void (*ICMPEchoNotifyProc) (struct ICMPParamBlock *iopb);
- struct IPParamBlock {
- ParamBlockHeader; /* standard I/O header */
- union {
- struct {
- ip_addr dest; /* echo to IP address */
- wdsEntry data;
- short timeout;
- Ptr options;
- unsigned short optLength;
- ICMPEchoNotifyProc icmpCompletion;
- unsigned long userDataPtr;
- } IPEchoPB;
- struct {
- struct LAPStats *lapStatsPtr;
- } LAPStatsPB;
- } csParam;
- };
- struct ICMPParamBlock {
- ParamBlockHeader; /* standard I/O header */
- short params[11];
- struct {
- unsigned long echoRequestOut; /* time in ticks of when the echo request went out */
- unsigned long echoReplyIn; /* time in ticks of when the reply was received */
- struct rdsEntry echoedData; /* data received in responce */
- Ptr options;
- unsigned long userDataPtr;
- } icmpEchoInfo;
- };
- typedef struct LAPStats {
- short ifType;
- char *ifString;
- short ifMaxMTU;
- long ifSpeed;
- short ifPhyAddrLength;
- char *ifPhysicalAddress;
- union {
- struct arp_entry *arp_table;
- struct nbp_entry *nbp_table;
- } AddrXlation;
- short slotNumber;
- };
- #define NBP_TABLE_SIZE 20 /* number of NBP table entries */
- #define NBP_MAX_NAME_SIZE 16+10+2
- struct nbp_entry {
- ip_addr ip_address; /* IP address */
- AddrBlock at_address; /* matching AppleTalk address */
- Boolean gateway; /* TRUE if entry for a gateway */
- Boolean valid; /* TRUE if LAP address is valid */
- Boolean probing; /* TRUE if NBP lookup pending */
- int age; /* ticks since cache entry verified */
- int access; /* ticks since last access */
- char filler[116]; /* for internal use only !!! */
- };
- #define ARP_TABLE_SIZE 20 /* number of ARP table entries */
- typedef struct Enet_addr {
- b_16 en_hi;
- b_32 en_lo;
- } Enet_addr;
- typedef struct arp_entry {
- short age; /* cache aging field */
- b_16 protocol; /* Protocol type */
- ip_addr ip_address; /* IP address */
- Enet_addr en_address; /* matching Ethernet address */
- };